Friday, March 12, 2010

Indigos or Crystals

Indigos can have any combination or all of the following characteristics:

Highly intuitive, empathic and psychically sensitive
Disruptive, unruly and argumentative
Very creative in the arts, music, technology and writing
Opposed to rules and regulations
Communicates with and are sensitive to animals
Becomes depressed easily, which can lead to suicide
Prone to addiction and substance abuse, especially alcohol and drugs
Good at self-sabotage, and often frustrated with their life direction
Able to see the truth in all things and know when they are being lied to
Have a strong sense of integrity and demand it from others
Are often diagnosed with dyslexia, ADD, ADHD or auditory processing problems
Are very direct with comments, almost to the point of rudeness
Need peace and calm (although they can cause much chaos)
Always feel alone, out of place and different from others, also like to be left alone
Have few friends and the ones they have are usually Indigos
Very intelligent but are under-achievers
Take a long time to ‘grow up’, do not know how to be in society
Lack of self confidence, can be to the point of self-hatred
Can become angry and have trouble controlling their anger, which is usually from frustration
Have a strong need for love, understanding and acceptance
Have an innate understanding of spirituality although they are not open about their gifts
Crystals can have any combination or all of the following characteristics:

Highly intuitive and psychically sensitive
Very empathic, to the level of processing energy for the planet
Quiet and withdrawn, can also be very shy
Withdraws when threatened, can lead to autism in young children
Very musically or artistically talented
See angels, spirits and can communicate with them
Can be born with memories of life on the ‘other side’
Peaceful and peace-loving, does not argue and will withdraw when faced with confrontation
Finds the world confusing, intimidating and loud
Sensitive to energy shifts and can become very agitated with them
Can have allergies to a variety of things, especially food and chemicals
Very intelligent but keep it to themselves
Isolate themselves socially because they find it hard to be around people

This is their purpose~~~~
~~~~~~~~Quietly bring about change,

Creation in the process.......A true Work of Art........

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